영덕여행 모바일앱 캐릭터잡기 게임

영덕 캐릭터잡고 마일리지 획득하고 마일리지로 맛집 카페 숙박 이용하자.

구글플레이에서 영덕여행을 다운로드받고 

자신의 마일리지를 확인하여 보면 현재마일리지는 제로다.

삼사해상공원에 있는 캐릭터잡으로 고고~

삼사해상공원에 도착하면 캐릭터를 잡을 수 있다.

그리고 캐릭터를 잡으면 문제가 출제되는데 이 문제를 맞추어야 한다.

문제를 맞추면 마일리지 1,000점을 획득하게 된다.

그리고 나의 적립내역에도 그 내용이 기록된다.

이번에는 강구대게거리의 캐릭터를 잡으러 간다.

강구대게거리에 도착한 후 문제를 풀는데


그래서 다시 도전한다.

문제를 다시 풀어 정답을 맞추니 

마일리지 1,000점이 획득되었다.

이렇게 모은 마일리지를 어떻게 사용해야 하는가?

카페와 숙박시설

그리고 식당에서 마일리지를 가격으로 대신하여 먹을 수 있다.

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CTS 모바일 앱 이벤트 신버전출시 기념

CTS앱 이벤트 신버전출시 기념 (기독교TV,기독교방송,설교,성경,CCM,찬양)

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이벤트 참여하러 가기-->https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cts.app&hl=ko

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김해문화재단 모바일앱 다운받으면 선물이 한가득

김해 앱 다운로드 선물대잔치

2017년 ! 김해문화재단 통합앱 오픈😍

<앱다운로드 선물대잔치 이벤트>

김해문화재단의 기관들이 모두 한자리에!



#가야테마파크 #낙동강레일파크 




재단 기관의 공연, 전시, 행사 일정을 보다 쉽게 

받아 보실 수 있도록 안드로이드, 애플 ios 

정식 버전이 출시되었습니다✨

앱다운로드 이벤트를 통해 재단의 공연과 전시 행사

티켓을 대박대박! 쏴드립니다 빵야빵야 !💣

이벤트 기간 : 1월 2일~2월 1일까지 한달간

이벤트 참여방법

1. 김해문화재단 어플을 다운로드한다

2. 앱평가하기에서 별점과 리뷰를 달아주세요

3. 좋아요 누르고 본 이벤트 게시글에 캡쳐화면을 업로드 하면 응모 끝!

2017년 ! 김해문화재단 통합앱 오픈😍

<앱다운로드 선물대잔치 이벤트>

김해문화재단의 기관들이 모두 한자리에!



#가야테마파크 #낙동강레일파크 




재단 기관의 공연, 전시, 행사 일정을 보다 쉽게 

받아 보실 수 있도록 안드로이드, 애플 ios 

정식 버전이 출시되었습니다✨

앱다운로드 이벤트를 통해 재단의 공연과 전시 행사

티켓을 대박대박! 쏴드립니다 빵야빵야 !💣

이벤트 기간 : 1월 2일~2월 1일까지 한달간

이벤트 참여방법

1. 김해문화재단 어플을 다운로드한다

2. 앱평가하기에서 별점과 리뷰를 달아주세요

3. 좋아요 누르고 본 이벤트 게시글에 캡쳐화면을 업로드 하면 응모 끝!

김해문화재단 앱 다운로드 --> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.howon.gimhaecf

앱 다운로드 후 페이스북 응모하기 -->https://www.facebook.com/gimhaeart/photos/a.203219909749710.49984.203217593083275/1296874260384264/?type=3&theater

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모바일 앱 의령군 문화관광 지자체 스마트폰 앱

의령 스마트폰 앱을 소개합니다

구글플레이에서 의령을 검색하시면 의령군 앱을 다운로드하실수 있습니다

다운로드 후 첫화면에는 의령군 소개와 문화관광에 대하여 나와있으며 클릭하면 더욱 자세한 정보페이지로 넘어갑니다.

문화관광 페이지로 넘어가면 의병박물관에 관하여 소개가 되어 있는데,

의령의 유적지와 박물관등을 방문하실때 미리 읽어보고 가시면 도움이 된답니다

의령맛집 소개 페이지입니다.

경복궁, 남원떡집, 남산떡방앗간, 다시식당, 대박해물마을, 대의암소갈비식육식당, 돼지사랑, 부림떡집, 부자한우촌, 산마루, 수정식당, 시골밥상, 

양평해장국, 오리궁, 육삼숯불천, 의령국밥, 의령김가네망개떡, 의령부자먕개떡, 

의령소바, 의령축협, 의령토속식품, 으령화정식당, 제일소바, 종로식당, 중동식당, 풀내음.

여기까지는 의령맛집 소개 페이지입니다.

의령 숙박 펜션 소개 페이지입니다.

벽계한우산펜션, 산내들, 산에모텔, 산장궁전여관, 성수장여관, 스카이모텔, 

신세계모텔, 아비송모텔,아젤리아여관,제일장여관, 찰비펜션관광농원, 크리스탈모텔.

이어서 의령모텔에 대한 소개가 나옵니다 티파니모텔, 하얏트모텔, 현대장여관, 

그리고 의령 전통시장소개가 나오는데, 궁류시장, 신반시장, 의령시장에 대한 소개가 이어집니다.

가볼만한 산으로 자굴산, 한우산, 국시봉, 미타산, 벽화산, 의령남산이 소개되어 있으며,

가볼만한 절 안내로 일붕사, 수도사, 불양암, 유학사, 수암사, 백련암, 운암사가 소개됩니다.

가볼만한 관광명소 공원을 소개합니다.

곽재우장군 문화공원, 호국공원, 설뫼지구 농어촌테마공원, 무전공원, 의령관문 및 정암유적지, 

신반공원. 대의체육공원, 의병도시숲이 있으며,

낙동강, 신반천, 의령천, 유곡천, 남강 이 안내되어 있습니다.

의령 당일여행코스 안내 페이지입니다.

의령 당일여행코스 안내 페이지입니다.

남강자전거길 21.31km 약 3시간 코스입니다.

의령읍~가례면 자전거길 13.66km 약 2시간 코스입니다.

의령 캠핑여행 안내페이지에는

설뫼테마공원캠핑장, 벽계야영장, 유곡천 다목적 캠핑장이 소개되어 있으며,

테마마을 안내페이지로

설뫼테마공원, 감을골권역, 입산문화역사마을, 자굴산권역, 의령예술촌이 소개되어 있습니다.

의령 체험마을안내페이지에는 의령 궁류마을이 소개되어 있습니다.

앞으로 의령여행을 하실때 의령 스마트폰앱을 이용하여 더욱 즐겁고 알찬여행이 도시길 바랍니다.

의령군 앱 설치하러 가기

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1100 Marsh travel Cheju Halla citron per Rest

It sets out the tricks in one weeks rental in Jeju.

Changes in the weather Jeju is free of charge, in good weather were starting down the shower suddenly dark clouds along.

Imagine a sunny 100 notice and had to look at the 1100 Marsh rain not only depend watgeon meet expectations.

The 1100 is located at 1100 Highland Road that connects Jeju Seogwipo jungmundong (中文 洞) and Jeju in the highest.

It nestled on the slopes of Mount Halla, the boundary that separates the north and south of Mt. role.

December 2009 was registered as a Ramsar site.

Snow this winter, especially famous for lowering eye brings a lot of people to see the Snow of Mount Halla.

Last time the car slid off the eye-catching when the island who often travel seems to be a thrilling experience section.

Fortunately the car was glad slipped beyond the road.

1100 with stunning scenery covered with white snow in September, it is worth re-locate its own even after the wetland can not see showers fell.

Autumn leaves densely stained in red in addition to snow also famous, yet danpungcheol is not only saw greenery.

1100 consists of a freshwater wetlands are swamps and the castle plant with 13ha area classified as upland wetlands rich in biodiversity,

Halla was designated as a National Park and Biosphere Reserve.

1100 consists of the marsh has high permeability of the geological characteristics of basalt of Mt damsuryang is much, but,

It plays an important role as a source of water to wildlife.

There, especially, 1100 Wetlands are considered as being unique and rare type of wetland,

Halla Halla isoetes This unique plant is distributed only in Jeju.

And is that the only distribution area, except for South Korea native plants endangered species Acanthopanax Jiri Jiri second grade.

Another endangered wildlife every grade 1, grade 2, buzzards and ridicule this,

Natural Monument and the kestrel dugyeon, teuksanjong Jeju Cheju Halla salamander and the northern grasshopper and the Jeju base are under investigation they were found to have such forms.

1100 Halla where it is directly driving a car might come to drive the course of Romance and tourists lovers also often used.

The move sees the opposite there is also 1100 feet resting place.

The first floor is a cafe and a souvenir shop where you can drink tea, the second floor has been used as an observatory.

The warmth that I take toward the heart become damp in the rainy days are in addition to order a citron tea party seated after the island specialties.

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1 night, 2 days old Jeju Hotel Lotte Duty Free Shop Jeju accommodation near Jeju Airport Hotel

Jeju 5 minutes away from the airport and walk Bao Zhen, Lotte Duty Free Shop, Halla go to the hospital and it is full of food facilities.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju hotels Jeju Airport Hotel

Jeju trip 3 days 2 nights trip to see as much as the hostel is also important to explore the sights.

If you do not remove properly the next day tour of the hostel tired because of the trip is certainly not a travel would be troubled

Jeju Hotel booking sites look around the place and there're steamed Jeju Hotel Jeju International Airport near the hostel received a higher rating and more seen.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju hotels Jeju Airport Hotel

This Jeju hotel are translated into the story that is so close to Jeju.

Remove the Naver Map I Measure the distance from the Jeju Airport Distance from Hotel Jeju is a map on the straight-line distance 1.7Km

General Motors is 5 minutes away by road distance of about 2.8km. It comes in 3 minutes by taxi.

I travel from Jeju Breakfast is follow these complaints are not uncommon where the restaurant opens its doors, perceiving breakfast is hard to find a Jeju restaurants.

Here is a place to listen to the pain of tourist breakfast.

A comfortable night's rest and a delicious breakfast is nestled in the course is now mandatory, not an option in travelers.

This is the place that satisfy the conditions Jeju Airport Hotel.

Jeju Airport Hotel looked near attractions.

Section dodu

Here it dodu many anti-fishing boat the night before they come back the next day scrambling to catch Cutlass dodu term georinda always crowded with people.

This bridge is very unusual're the appearance of the fish.


Designated National Treasure No. 322 Fenugreek is the oldest extant building of the buildings in Jeju,

Joseon Dynasty (Sejong 1448) Pastor Shin Jeju purges are trained Sasol and erected the building in order to foster a spirit of Managing Director.


National Cultural Heritage and Historic Site No. 134, is the oldest ruins in the Korean peninsula.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju hotels Jeju Airport Hotel

Finishing the trip in Jeju Island today and rest going to enter the Jeju Airport Hotel.

The first floor is provided with a garage and outdoor parking, even indoors.

Up to the second floor lobby to receive the smart key at the front desk.

Jeju Airport Hotel is clean all the facility having been remodeled in 2013.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju hotels Jeju Airport Hotel

Finishing the trip in Jeju Island today trying to take a break to enter the Jeju Airport Hotel.

The first floor is provided with a garage and outdoor parking, even indoors.

Up to the second floor lobby to receive the smart key at the front desk.

Jeju Airport Hotel is clean all the facility having been remodeled in 2013

I went up to the 10th floor to relax in the room today.

Do you tag a smart key door opens, you can go into a room with a bed to go through an elongated hall at the door.

Today I stay room is a standard double bed.

Refrigerator contains the beverage shelves and has placed the coffee pot.

In many countries overseas it is also attached to an electrical outlet adapter is easy to use multi-electric ohdeora.

This also would include the reasons against foreigners.

Jeju point that has a lot of accommodation near Jeju Airport Hotel probably has a kitchen where you can cook simple foods authorized it.

This facility is the first time in the hotel.

However, afterwards the kitchen utensils are provided.

I get into the shower room has a hair dryer and Body Cleanser Shampoo & Conditioner Terrace.

I came back to the bed is a console box above four pieces of beach towels, and furthermore contains a toothbrush and mini toothpaste neatly in a hard case.

This mini toothpaste even small enough to be personal effects when taking possession of the aircraft seemed to be put as a personal portable.

And also contains a mini comb, razor and shaving cream are also included.

Why are none of these small items which are qualitative look at what this hotel deserves to know this good rating for foreigners.

Hotel facility is clean, the staff was also friendly view of this, the domestic tourist Dash likes in my eyes,

How much more shall the eyes of foreign tourists'm assuming I left a good impression perfectly.

As the party came back to the room I saw once,

LCD TV, air conditioning, hair dryer, heating, shower, satellite / cable TV,

Fridge, toiletries, desk seems to be common to all rooms.

Standard Twin Room (Standard Twin Room) Single + Super Super 55 single rooms.

Standard Double Room (Standard Double Room) Double bed


Twin Family Room (Family Twin Room) Double + Single

Korean-style Ondol (Korean-Style Family Room) has.

A shower and watch lying on a bed

It is comfortable.

In Jeju Airport Hotel is said to replace with new bedding every day.

Large LCD TV with expansion comes on the eyes

Be connected to Skylife satellite, you can see and select the desired station.

Do you watch the large LCD TV is lying in bed feeling as if came to the theater occupies a teukseok.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju hotels Jeju Airport Hotel today stayed the room Panoramic Photos

Phone rings phone rings ~ ~

Wake up to the phone ringing

Ah! Here Jeju Airport Hotel knew that Wake is being made.

Given Wake up to a warm water shower to wake up from sleep buseuseu,

Go to the restaurant on the second floor and the hotel breakfast to eat.

Accommodation near Jeju Jeju Airport Hotel Breakfast

First down to eat a meal in Korean,

Enjoy an American breakfast with coffee toast.

7:00 pm Breakfast begins to be seen, but what comes out is pre-cooked down.

Breakfast at the hotel is a decent diet.

Usually it comes in semi-buffet breakfast is Korean and form part out evenly.

American Breakfast is provided and is included in the price of Korean Food There have been more fruitful option.

Breakfast hours 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (Entry deadline 8:30)

Jeju Airport Hotel Services TIP

1, a 5-minute drive from Jeju, located on the roadside. Free pick-up service less than 4 minutes you arrive at the airport after 20:00.

2, stay of birthday cake to meet God reward you.

Name: Airport Hotel Jeju (Cheju Hotel Jeju International Airport near the hostel)

Address: 102 Street in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Jeju doryeong

Phone: 064-745-0555

Main http://www.jeju-airporthotel.com/index.php

Check-in time starts at 2:00 PM / Check-Out Deadline 11:00 AM

Total Number of floors 11 floors, Total number of rooms 64 rooms

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코란도스포츠/엑티언스포츠에 착탈식 트럭캠퍼

트럭캠퍼 장점이 적혀있는 광고판

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메디안 칫솔






메디안칫솔을 슈퍼에서 샀다

치약은 계속 사용중이던것인데

칫솔이 오래되어서 새로구매한것이다

칫솔 1개에 \1,000원 가격도 저렴하고 품질도 좋다^^

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